International trade is a prolific tool for small and medium-sized enterprises to widen their operational stratosphere of their business based on export. Indeed, around one-third of the European Union’s GDP was generated by international trade in 2014.

The question for SMEs that are considering to export goods, services and products into the EU or import them from the EU then becomes: How can we access relevant data and how do we start an international trade operation in the European Union?

Export in the EU
Export in the EU

Therefore, the European Commission, especially the Enterprise Europe Network provides an official platform to connect SMEs and to find an international trade, distribution and business partners in the European Union or abroad. Furthermore, they provide a market access database on tariffs, procedures and formalities, statistics, trade barriers, rules or origin and other useful resources for SMEs to export into the EU or import from the EU.

A collection of databases and tools, provided by the European Commission, such as the KETs Deployment and Visualization Tool to analyse multi-annual industrial trends, the European Small Business Portal with plenty of useful knowledge or the Your Europe practical guide on how to do business in Europe allow SMEs access to free information and valuable business intelligence to grow their business internationally.


This trade blog provides a series of practical and brief reports or articles on tools, products, information, methods, technology and business, trade or e-commerce to engage and inform SMEs for sustainable growth. Moreover, it is a platform for consumers, clients, vendors, SMEs, experts, journalists, authors, academics, intellectuals and other participants to contribute their knowledge, opinion and expertise to help SMEs be part of a global economy.

Free trade does not only allow the international community to grow economically, but it strengthens the community of values beyond the boundaries of their economic freedom. It’s because we care about trade.